Wednesday 14 April 2010

The Right Number Of Calories To Lose Weight Fast

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When beginning an effective fat loss plan, you must understand the best way to structure an effective daily intake of calories to lose weight fast. Many studies have proven that significantly depriving one's body of calories may actually work against you, and that a more effective solution is a small reduction that burns fat more gradually.

Using a round number of calories to cut out (such as 500 calories or 1,000 calories) is not the most accurate way to determine how to reduce your calorie intake. The reason being the amount of calories consumed daily by each individual can vary greatly, making the reduction either too high or too low depending on your normal calorie consumption. For example, cutting 500 calories from a 2000 calorie diet represents a much larger decrease than cutting those same 500 calories from a 3500 calorie plan.

Instead, you ought to aim to use a percentage decrease in calories to lose weight fast. The most efficient and widely accepted percentage is 15-20% below your maintenance level. Your maintenance level is the number of calories you require each day to maintain your current weight. There are two formulas you can use to determine your own individual number of daily calories to lose weight fast.

The Harris Benedict Formula requires you to first determine your basic metabolic rate (BMR), which is the number of calories your body requires daily for natural processes such as breathing, circulation and digestion.

You then use an activity multiplier to take into account your additional daily activities to determine how many calories you need daily to maintain your current weight. You can then decrease this number by 15-20% to find out your daily intake of calories to lose weight fast.

Calculate the BMR by using the following formula:

Men: 66 (13.7 * bodyweight in kg) (5 * height in cm) - (6.8 * age in years) = BMR

Women: 655 (9.6 * bodyweight in kg) (1.8 * height in cm) - (4.7 * age in years) = BMR

Multiply that number by the activity multiplier:

Sedentary = BMR * 1.2 (if you get little to no exercise)

Lightly Active = BMR * 1.375 (if you get light exercise: 1-3 days a week)

Moderately Active = BMR * 1.55 (if you get moderate exercise: 3-5 days a week)

Very active = BMR * 1.725 (if you get intense exercise: 6-7 days a week)

Extremely Active = BMR * 1.9 (if you get intense daily exercise and you also have a strenuous physical job).

Reducing that number by 15-20% will provide you with the target number of calories to lose weight fast.

Another formula available for you to find out your target calorie reduction is the Katch-McArdle Formula.

This formula is an even more precise process to determine your target number of calories to lose weight fast because it factors in your lean body mass, leading to a more accurate metabolic reading.

To use the Katch-McArdle formula, calculate your BMR using the following:

BMR = 370 (21.6 X lean mass in kg)

Your lean body mass simply represents any type of body weight that is NOT fat. You'll be able to determine this number when you have had your body fat levels tested. The more extreme your body type (slimmer or fatter) the more significant it is to take into account your lean body mass to find out your target number of calories to lose weight fast.

Once you've factored in your lean body mass, you merely use the activity multiplier and then reduce by the 15-20% required. Reducing your calories by more than this level can end up slowing down your results by triggering your body's natural starvation mechanisms. If your calories dip too low, your body will stop burning fat as a way to conserve energy.

Reducing calories in losing weight fast by using a percentage of your typical caloric intake will ensure that your metabolism stays steady, your body burns fat, and your lean muscle mass doesn't decrease.

By : Sean Templeton

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Saturday 10 April 2010

7 Drug-Free Ways To Boost Your Metabolism

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Speeding up your metabolism (the rate at which the body burns calories to maintain itself) is one of the most effective ways to increase your daily calorie burn, and therefore lose weight.

If you're a chronic dieter, used to enduring long periods of severe caloric restriction, there's little doubt your metabolism has slowed to a crawl (the body responds to reduced caloric intake by furthering reducing the metabolism). That's why it's so easy to gain weight now.

As a solution, try implementing these 7 simple steps into your daily regimen to give your metabolism a well-needed shot in the arm. Ready? Let's get started...

i) Probably the most important thing you can do is be sure to eat that first meal of the day... breakfast. Yes, believe it or not, this is a great way to get your metabolism fired up. Best of all, you do not need to eat much -- a couple of hundred calories is plenty. Good choices are: oatmeal, eggs, egg whites, a protein smoothie, or 1 tbsp. all-natural peanut butter on half a whole wheat bagel. Stay away from highly refined grain products, sugar-based products, fruit juices (all the sugar without the fiber of the
actual fruit), as well as both refined and sweetened cereals. Be sure to include a protein source in the breakfast meal.

ii) Eat small balanced meals every two-three hours (this isn't always easy from a purely practical point of view, but it is critical. To make it work, you may need to prepare and prepackage meals in advance). To keep the body chugging along optimally, you need to keep it fueled, but not over-fueled. In other words, you need to eat, but not too much. Believe me, this
works wonders. Take your body weight, multiply by 10 or 12, and divide by 6. The number you are left with is the amount of calories each of your small meals should contain.

iii) Drink plenty of water. Yup... 8-10 10oz glasses per day. This contributes to the overall well-being of the body, allowing it to function more efficiently.

iv) No surprise here -- exercise is probably the best, most foolproof metabolism booster ever. It works every time. Aim for 3-5 sessions a week, at anywhere from 20-50 minutes a session.

Generally, the higher the intensity of the exercise, the longer and the greater the metabolism boost.

v) Build some muscle. Muscles directly affect metabolism because they always require energy -- even at times of rest. Ergo, the more muscle you have, the higher your caloric requirements.

So... whaddya say? How about some sessions with the weights? And don't be intimated... the basics of resistance training are easy to master, and the benefits are great -- no matter your age, or your sex.

vi) Supplement with soy protein, or soy based products -- use it in your protein shake or smoothie. Soy protein has been shown to positively affect the body's output of powerful fat-burning thyroid hormones. In fact, quality protein sources should be
plentiful in your diet -- recent studies have indicate that high-protein meals actually raise post-meal thermogenisis (fat burning) and resting energy expenditure (Source: Journal of American College of Nutrition, 21(1):55-61, 2002).

vii) Supplement with Omega 3-6-9 and unsaturated friendly fats -- like flax seed oil, olive oil, fish
oils or check out Udo's Ultimate Oil for a fantastic, high quality oil blend. Oils with a stronger taste (like olive oil, for instance) can be added to salads, while milder tasting oils (like flax seed) can be added directly to protein shakes or smoothies (fresh, unrefined polyunsaturated oils should not be
heated or used as cooking oil). Any way you slice it, friendly fats are a fantastic metabolism-boosting supplement!

Well, there you have it... 7 ways to boost your metabolism without resorting to prescription drugs or over the counter supplements. While their effects won't be dramatic initially, over the long term, I think you'll be pleasantly surprised by what you achieve utilizing these strategies.

By: Paul Crane

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Tuesday 6 April 2010

6 Steps To Boosting Your Metabolism And Getting In Shape

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Have you ever heard that you may have a slow metabolism and that's the reason that you have that excess baggage with you? Then, too, a lot of people blame it on their thyroid!

Metabolism does help a great deal in burning fat. Even when you are asleep metabolism helps to burn that fat away! Have you ever heard of boosting your metabolism? This will help you burn calories at a much swifter rate than before. To super boost your metabolism takes a lot of commitment on your part so make sure that you want to do it.

A lot of time and energy will be required on your part to gain super boost. However, in the long run, the results will be worthwhile. Before beginning on a regimen, be sure to consult your physician if you want to make any changes to you workout sessions or your diet.

In order to super boost your metabolism, you must do the following:

1. Spend approximately 40 to 60 minutes each morning doing some exercises like cycling, swimming or jogging. It will be much healthier if you try to do this in the morning hours. You must make sure that you stick to the plan and be faithful in doing this every day.

2. Spend approximate 20 minutes each evening doing the same exercises as above. You can try to do it before dinner and try to rotate exercises so you do not create boredom.

3. Do some exercises for 2 to 3 minutes every 10 minutes or so. This will not only help you to regain your stamina but it will provide you with some extra energy as well.

4. With the proper training, you are going to want to build up your muscles. This will allow you to exercise for a longer amount of time each day and it will also increase your metabolism. Target a specific body part every couple of day. For example, you can target every Monday and Friday for your upper body and every Tuesday and Saturday for your lower body.

5. Since breakfast is the most important meal of the day, dont skip it! This will provide your body with the energy that you are going to need, and your metabolism will shift into high gear. If you decide to skip breakfast, your metabolism will decrease, and that is something you do not want to happen.

6. Try to exercise even when you go shopping. If you are able, park your car some distance from the building. This will provide additional exercise for your body. Take the stairs instead of using the elevator. All of these things will give you the opportunity to do additional workouts. Watch your metabolism skyrocket!

When your metabolism shifts into high gear, your body will burn fat that much faster. Your metabolism will remain active all day, and while you sleep your body will burn fat. Bear in mind that you much consistently follow the above steps.
This will give you a good exercise plan, a good diet, a well-shaped body and a fast metabolism. In no time you will be shedding those extra pounds!

By: Sylvia Camarillo

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Friday 2 April 2010

Fast Weight Loss Tips and Advice

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Fast weight loss is not the best or safe way to lose weight, however when someone who is overweight starts to see results right away they are more likely to stick to a program. Weight loss is not only physical but a psychological process also. For those people that do not struggle with their weight this is very hard to understand.

So if you decide that you want to follow a fast weight loss diet plan there are a few things that you need to keep in mind. Following a fad diet may help you to lose weight fast but if it doesn't show you how to keep the weight off then you are really getting nowhere. It is likely that you can gain the weight back.

The most popular fast weight loss diets have you eating a lot of one particular foods such as cabbage soup or grapefruits or all protein. But where are you when you lose the weight? Are you actually going to be able to keep the weight off? Do you know what to eat to maintain the weight loss. Obviously you can’t eat cabbage and nothing but protein the rest of your life.

But don't give up, I have some great advice for fast weight loss. There are weight loss programs out there that will give you the weight loss that you need and show you how to maintain it. You need to find a program that will allow you to eat a variety of healthy foods that you can continue to eat with no problems.

The key to fast weight loss is to increase the ability for your body to burn fat and calories. This can be done by calorie shifting. Shifting the types of healthy foods that you eat each day can turn up your metabolism for maximum weight loss.

Switching between proteins and carbs, fruits and vegetables will put your body into fat burning mode. It is also key that you eat a lot of small meals throughout the day to increase the effect. Taking a great multi- vitamin and drinking plenty of water can help the process also.

Another important element in fast weight loss is exercise. To lose weight and get healthy it is critical that you start a solid exercise program that you can stick to. Forget about the high impact exercise programs when you are just starting out. Like a weight loss program, if your exercise program is too hard to stick to you won't be able to be successful.

By Lucinda Reynolds

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